About Us

The New Birth Baptist Church is a Bible Preaching, Bible Teaching church. Our ministry has an evangelistic emphasis and missionary outreach. Our quest is to minister to the needs of the entire family with a spiritual agenda and a life-changing dynamic.

We have specialized ministries for men, women, teens, and children. We are community-minded and deeply concerned about the moral state of Inkster and surrounding communities. We are involved in community projects but not community politics.

Our mandate is always to represent Jesus Christ above all other matters and all things. We are against the social ills of our day that entraps the mind, the soul, and endanger the lives of individuals, families, and communities. All vices, such as lottery, gambling, alcohol, and drug use are considered acts of sin and are condemned by this church.

Our membership comes from all walks of life and is mostly made up of African Americans, but all are welcome to join our congregation regardless of race, creed, or color. On the invitation of Christian discipleship, a person may come forward as a candidate for baptism, by Christian experience, or by letter from another Baptist Church.